我们很高兴您能在 Portland Expo Center 加入我们。不论您是设立展位还是需要其他服务,我们都会确保您获得完美和成功的体验。

请登录 Exhibitor Ordering Center,选择您的服务,再下订单。
请登录 Exhibitor Ordering Center,选择您的服务,再下订单。
Reserving Booth Space
The Portland Expo Center does not manage booth sales for events, but we’re here to assist with any service-related questions. To reserve booth space, please contact the event promoter directly. Promoter websites can be found on our Calendar under the event listing.
Parking Made Easy!
Streamline your event experience by purchasing parking in advance! By securing your parking pass ahead of time, you’ll save time on event day and ensure hassle-free access to the venue.
How to Purchase Exhibitor Parking:
1. Visit our website and navigate to the Event Calendar.
2. Find the specific event you’re attending.
3. Scroll down to the Exhibitor Information section.
4. If exhibitor parking is available, you’ll find a link to purchase your parking pass right there.